
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Preschool Printables!

When I get an idea in my head I turn to Google but often get side-tracked. I started out looking for a multi-coloured 8-10 or bigger printable alphabet poster but then thought "my daughter should work on her letters" so I did a search for "preschool worksheets" and one of the top results linked me to a complete printables for preschoolers. I've already saved the pdf files of the letters and will have access now to numbers.

Until the next post, happy printing practice.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Clutter calendars

I am so much of an OCD person that I LOVE calendars. I have a 12 month calendar that I post on the fridge monthly; although, February's not up yet. It's a work in progress.
I like ideas that will keep (or should I say 'get') me organized. So I thought I'd print off this document. That's as far as I got. Printed -check. It's really great though but it's kinda like cleaning your house before the cleaners come. My house is so disorganized I feel like I have to organize before starting the calendar. To be fair, the 'this' link above you would sign up to receive the document BUT I have just successfully uploaded to 4shared.com decluter calendar 2012. Even though we are so far in to the year, this can still be useful. It's broken out BY DAY. I plan on using this same calendar next year, or finding the 2013 version.

Oh while I'm on the uploading document train... I'm uploading my 2012 blank calendar with an example of how I use it.  I've got the first initial of all people involved in the house, I underline the date for pay days, and an asterisks by the date for birthdays, anniversaries and parties with a bullet (about 3 will fit) at the bottom of the page with 'who'.

Ok, until the next post, happy organizing.

Valentine's Day

I've been completely absent from my blog and seem to only visit it around a holiday.

I just had a thought that instead of bookmarking all my printable ideas, I'd blog about them, that way others can share and print my findings. I need more followers though.

So far, I have found:
Coupon Binder help thanks to keepinglifecreative.com now I just need to get colour in my printer.
This next one shows painted glass, blocks and subway art crafts and printables for Valentine's Day all in one site.
Oh and OneToughMother shows how to make your own printables, I've been playing with it but it's using Picnik which will be ending service on April 19, 2012!

Until the next post... happy crafting